Friday, December 16, 2011

APOD 2.6

This is a picture of the moon as it rose on December 10 in Iran. A total lunar eclipse was already going on. This single image is the compilation of hundreds of images taken over and hour and a half. The red moon and blue landscape are both a result of the eclipse. The umbra of the eclipse results in the shadowed landscape, and the moon is also shadowed in red light. The atmosphere scatters the red so it s not visible on the earths landscape.

APOD 2.5

This is a picture a great many star trails using a long exposure. The picture was taken in Croatia, at the Medvednica mountain. The North Celestial Pole is right off of the center of the picture. This picture was not recorded using a digital camera, but colored film. The lighted clouds are illuminated from the lights below.

APOD 2.4

This is a picture of the emissions from a nebula. This specific nebula is nicknamed the pelican nebula, and has this visible ridge of over 10 light years. The picture was created using data of sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms to form colors such as red and blue. The black spots are stars that have put out cold gas as they formed. The nebula is about 2000 light years away.